
Our students spend five years at Saint Aidan’s and in that time will spend about 5000 hours in the classroom. Our curriculum aims to ensure that (in no particular order):
  • Students are well-prepared for adult life – academically, socially, emotionally, morally and spiritually. This includes being highly literate and numerate.
  • Students have the opportunity to engage seriously with a wide range of disciplines. This includes our core subjects of English, mathematics, science and religious education, but should never be limited to them. The arts, humanities, languages, technology and physical education are all important in a Saint Aidan’s education.
  • Students gain useful qualifications. This is done through high standards of teaching and ensuring that students follow the courses which are right for them. We will never enter students for qualifications purely to boost the school’s performance statistics.
  • Students love learning and want to continue to learn whatever their destination after Saint Aidan’s.
  • All students are supported and continually challenged, including the most able and those with SEND.
  • Financial or social barriers do not prevent students from accessing our curriculum.
You can find a fuller curriculum statement here. Details of which subjects students study in each year can be found here.
A curriculum overview for 2024-2025 will be available shortly.

For our students to be successful and achieve, parental support is absolutely vital.

In order that you, as parents, have a greater understanding of the learning that is taking place in school, there are links on this page which will give you an overview of the work covered each term by each year group. You will then be able to offer assistance where appropriate.

If you need any further information, please contact the relevant Head of Faculty who will answer any queries you may have.