Devices in School
We use laptop or tablet devices in school with all year groups, including Year 7. Students are required to bring in a device to use along with their other school equipment.
A Windows based device would be ideal but if you have an Android or iOS based tablet this will also work successfully. Many students already have a tablet which they can use for school work. For those who do not, tablets and laptops have come down in price and we will work hard as a school to ensure that no-one misses out for financial reasons.
Use of devices has not replaced other ways of learning: students will still be writing in exercise books, discussing work with their teacher and with each other and learning through practical hands-on activities. However, tablets are a hugely important extra tool which will help to make lessons more engaging and relevant. Students will be able to access work at a level which is right for them and to become more independent, autonomous learners.
Suitable Devices
The recommended device can be found in the Parent Purchase Options 24-25 document at the bottom of this page. Cheaper Windows devices would also be suitable but students may find that they experience issues with functionality (for a list of suitable alternative Windows devices please contact Tom Entwisle tom-entwisle@st-aidans.lancs.sch.uk).
If you have any questions regarding the suitability of a device then please contact school for more details.
Further details of the scheme are available to download at the bottom of this page. If you require any additional information regarding the scheme, including how the school might be able to support families in financial difficulties then please contact simon-calvert@st-aidans.lancs.sch.uk.

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