
Governor Category Responsibilities Committees
Mrs Kath Bell L A Governor Vice-Chair of Governors; SEND; English Link Governor; Chair Curriculum and Standards Committee Curriculum and Standards; Resources
Mrs Victoria Bullen Foundation Vice Chair Ethos Committee; Religious Education Link Governor; Training Link Governor Ethos; Resources
Mr David Cartwright Foundation Ethos
Mrs Cathy Davies Foundation Creative and Performing Arts Link Governor Ethos; Resources;
Mr Ray Hart Foundation Foundation Governor; Physical Education Link Governor; Safeguarding Curriculum and Standards; Ethos; Resources
Mrs Helen Lawrenson Parent Resources
Mr Mark Parsons Parent Science Link Governor
Mrs Sue Pullen Foundation Chair of Governors; Chair Resources Committee; Mathematics Link Governor Ethos; Resources
Mrs Cheryl Rayner Foundation Humanities Link Governor; Vice-Chair Curriculum and Standards Committee; Vice-Chair Resources Committee Curriculum and Standards; Resources
Mrs Joanne Rossall Staff Curriculum and Standards
Mr Andy Smith Ex-Officio - Staff Headteacher Curriculum and Standards; Ethos; Resources
Mrs Jade Swain-Veneziale Foundation Computing and Technology Link Governor Curriculum and Standards
Mrs Francesca Tiribocchi Parent MFL Link Governor Ethos
Rev Peter Walsh Foundation Chair Ethos Committee Ethos
Rev Graham Young Foundation Pastoral Governor Ethos

Annual Overview of Governing Board Autumn 2024