10:10 Award Scheme

At Saint Aidan’s our school’s chosen scripture verse is, ‘That they might have life and have it in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). We offer an all-round education where ‘every child develops self-confidence, life-skills, and leadership experiences. The aim of the 10 : 10 award scheme is to reward our students for what they achieve outside of the curriculum.

10:10 is an awards system which offers students a range of character-building opportunities that enhance their learning and development and enrich their own and others’ lives. The award scheme aims to encourage and support many important qualities in students such as leadership, citizenship, moral purpose, Christian values, sense of community and collective responsibility. Many of the targets have at their core the British Values of: Democracy, The rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance. These challenges can be completed by all students at any stage during their time at school.

There are 20 targets to work towards achieving: To gain a Stage 1 Award you need to achieve at least 6 challenges from the list. To gain a Stage 2 Award you need to achieve at least 12 challenges from the list. To gain a Stage 3 Award you need to achieve at least 18 challenges from the list.

Achieving these awards are important as:

• Sixth Form Colleges, Universities and Employers are all looking for individuals who contribute to all aspects of school life and in all areas of society as well as having a series of GCSE, Vocational grades, and other awards

• Having some of these awards demonstrates to these groups that the school has recognised your ‘all-round’ abilities and skills

• You will have an ‘official’ certificate to be used as part of your CV

A copy of the award scheme can be found by clicking the button below.

10:10 Award Scheme