Forty-seven schools started in the Sisters ‘n’ Sport Shield netball competition back in the Autumn; after months of contest, just Saint Aidan’s (Northern Champions) and Samuel Whitbread (Southern Champions) remained.
On Thursday, 23rd March, the two sides met in the final at Malvern College, Worcester. When we arrived, the nerves were at an all-time-high, but calming words from me, as captain, Miss Garvey and Mrs Palin made us all feel a bit better. We were now ready for the court. From the outset, the team pushed themselves to be the best they could and it showed when we gained a first-quarter lead. We continued to extend the lead throughout the game and ended up taking the gold with a 45-30 victory. If felt amazing to bring the national trophy back to Saint Aidan’s!

Caitlyn Halliwell added, “Before the match everyone had a lot of nerves, but Katie calmed everyone down and told us to try our best. It was a tough game but with advice from my peers and coaches we managed to take the gold.”
Layla Ronson commented, “It was nerve-wracking at first but I knew that we could win from the moment that the whistle blew on the first centre pass. Well done everyone!”

Aimee Davies added, “I thought the final was a great experience, but very intense. I felt the pressure to make no mistakes.”
The team would like to thank Mrs Palin, Miss Garvey and Mrs Jenkinson for guiding us throughout this competition and for being our personal cheerleaders!