For the first time since 2019, we held a Careers Fair and Work Experience Launch Evening on Tuesday, 8th November. The Hall and two Maths rooms were full with exhibitors from a range of different employers, colleges, universities and other providers. In addition, Year 10 were given a presentation on what their Summer work experience placements might look like.
The evening was incredibly well attended, despite the inclement weather. Students from Years 9-11 attended with their families. For Year 11, it was the chance to have in-depth conversations with colleges and employers regarding their pathways from next September – and beyond; for Year 10, they received crucial information about work experience as well as some early planning for post-16 choices; for Year 9, there was the chance to start thinking about GCSE options and the routes that these might lead to.
Deputy Headteacher, Anthony Lord, commented: “It was lovely to see a full Hall again after two years without a Careers Fair. The conversations that take place on these kinds of evenings are invaluable and can make all the difference to opening a student’s eyes to all the possibilities out there. The fact that the end of the pandemic also means that Year 10 will be able to experience a week in industry next May is the icing on the cake.”